A few weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I was tuned in to my local NPR station listening to Leonard Lopate while doing some Passover baking. Leonard Lopate, who hosts a daily interview show from 12-2 each weekday on WNYC,
5-Element Kitchen: Chopping into Spring
In the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 5-element system, spring corresponds to the Wood element. If you think of Wood as bamboo, and not an oak tree, it’s a bit easier to see how wood’s correspondences make sense: the wood element exhibits characteristics
What would you do if you were hungry?
What would you do if you were hungry? For many of us, myself included, the answer is pretty straightforward – we would get something to eat. Well, first would have to figure out the details, like what we felt like
Pantry Prescriptions: Ghee Whiz!
In yesterday’s post about whole grains and kichari, I mentioned toasting spices in ghee. Gee, you might have exclaimed, what’s ghee?! Ghee is a type of clarified butter commonly used as a cooking fat in traditional Indian and Ayurvedic cooking.
Falling Back in Love with Whole Grains.
Passover has ended and now I’m liberated from eating matzoh! Welcome back whole grains, breads, legumes and flour, where have you been all my life?! It just so happens that today’s back-to-regular-diet-after-passover-day coincides with an exciting initiative launched by the