This is Barry. He makes tasty, organic tempeh together with his business partner, Gordon. Although the website for Barry’s Tempeh is “”, the tempeh is actually made in Queens at The E-Space, a communal industrial kitchen in Long Island City. (You can read more
5-Element Kitchen: Chopping into Spring
In the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 5-element system, spring corresponds to the Wood element. If you think of Wood as bamboo, and not an oak tree, it’s a bit easier to see how wood’s correspondences make sense: the wood element exhibits characteristics
Mushroom Walnut Spread
Even more than chametz, the leavened bread and wheat products that are avoided during passover, I lament the other category of forbidden foods, kitniyot, even more. What is categorized as kitniyot varies from community to community, but generally corn, rice, lentils, dried
Superfruit and Superaromatic Charoset
This article was originally posted on The Jew and the Carrot (3/21/13), the food blog associated with the Jewish Daily Forward. Let’s face it: even without the charoset, we honor mortar on Passover. The food of this holiday isn’t—how can I say this
A New Kind of Kugel
Confession: I’m not the biggest lover of kugel. I find most kugels heavy, filling, and bland. So when I came across this inspired reinterpretation in Martha Stewart Living’s April issue that she called a “potato kugel gratin”, I knew I wanted