Purim 2015 (5775) – the year of the LinzerTashen! This year I thought outside of the triangle-shaped box. I forwent the ‘folded-up sides’ part of the traditional hamantashen, and made linzer cookies into linzertashen! I started with a favorite Martha Stewart recipe
I never thought I’d get to say this, but I have a recipe in Food & Wine Magazine! On page 94 and 95 of the March issue, to be exact, and my name is in the magazine not once, but
Where have I been? Good question!
I so wanted to get this out yesterday so it would be exactly a year since my last post, but alas, over a year has passed since I last updated this site (a year and one day!). I wouldn’t usually make
I LAvocado You.
I used to be terrified of avocados and coconuts. A child of the early nineties, I was raised during the peak of the “all-fat-is-bad-fat” phase epitomized by low-fat Snackwell’s cookies. It was only in the past few years, truly, that I’ve
Kicking Up The Pantry With Preserved Lemons
Lemons + salt = sunshiney day. Preserved lemons are a relatively new addition to my pantry since my friend’s mother, Josiane, coached me through making my first batch last year. Josiane is Moroccan, and assured me they were easy to make, and essential